Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Gfp Lab Report Essays
Gfp Lab Report Essays Gfp Lab Report Paper Gfp Lab Report Paper All four of the wells were condensed with I Pl of an enhancer and added too lipid-based transaction reagent Effected to allow the target DNA to be introduced into the Hell cells. The cells containing . 45 ml Of transaction complexes and complete growth medium were incubated for two days and then replaced With I ml Of HOBS and incubated for another hour. Approximately 14. 13 Pl of glorification documentation diluted in PBS was added to one of the two wells containing GAP DNA (Figure 1 B) and a second well containing GAP-KGB DNA (Figure 1 D). Figure 1 Shows the GAB-KGB DNA lacking documentation and figure 1 A displays the Hell cells with just GAP DNA The Hell cells with GAP DNA and documentation (Figure 1 B) fluoresced throughout the entire cell including the nucleus most likely caused by the small size of the fluorescent protein used. However, when GAP-KGB DNA that lacked the documentation was analyzed, the entire cell fluoresced similarly except for the nucleus (Figure 1 C), indicating that the protein does not contain a nuclear localization signal. The nucleus is fluoresced at a high intensity when documentation was added to the GAP-KGB DNA containing cells (Figure I D) because the protein was capable of passing through to the nucleus. When the glorification hormone documentation binds to KGB, a conformational change causes neighboring proteins to dissociate and reveal the nuclear localization signal, therefore fluorescing the nucleus These results conclude that the GIBE-KGB DNA was successfully transferred into the Hell cells and through the addition of documentation, the glorification receptor protein with an activated glorification-binding domain localized to the nucleus following a conformational change. :
Friday, November 22, 2019
Improving Reading Skills for ESL
Improving Reading Skills for ESL Reading is an important part of learning English, but many students find it difficult. This collection of tips will help you improve reading by using skills you use in your own language. Tip 1: Read for Gist Gist the main ideas Read the text a first time. Dont stop. Read to understand the main ideas, and dont look up new words. Youll be surprised that you can usually understand the general idea of the story. Tip 2: Use Context Context refers words and situations that are around a word you dont understand. Look at the example sentence: I went to the shlumping to buy some chitla for dinner. Whats schlumping? - it must be a store because you bought something there. Whats chitia? - It must be food because you are going to eat it for dinner. Tip 3: Use Your Own Language One of the best tips on improving reading is to think about how you read in your own language. Start by thinking about how you read different documents. How do you read the newspaper? How do you read novels? How do you read train schedules? and so on. Taking time to think about this will help give you clues on how to read in English - even if you dont understand every single word. Ask yourself this question: Do I read every word in your own language when I am reading a schedule, summary, or other outlining document? The answer is most definitely: No! Reading in English is like reading in your native language. This means that it is not always necessary to read and understand each and every word in English. Remember that reading skills in your native language and English are basically the same. Tip 4: Understand Different Reading Skills Here is a quick overview of the four types of reading skills used in every language: Skimming - used to understand the gist or main ideaScanning - used to find a particular piece of informationExtensive reading - used for pleasure and general understandingIntensive reading - accurate reading for detailed understanding Skimming Skimming is used to quickly gather the most important information, or gist. Run your eyes over the text, noting important information. Use skimming to quickly get up to speed on a current business situation. Its not essential to understand each word when skimming. Examples of Skimming: The Newspaper (quickly to get the general news of the day)Magazines (quickly to discover which articles you would like to read in more detail)Business and Travel Brochures (quickly to get informed) Scanning Scanning is used to find a particular piece of information. Run your eyes over the text looking for the specific piece of information you need. Use scanning on schedules, meeting plans, etc. in order to find the specific details you require. If you see words or phrases that you dont understand, dont worry when scanning. Examples of Scanning The Whats on TV section of your newspaper.A train / airplane scheduleA conference guide This lesson plan focusing on scanning reading skills can be of help in practicing these skills on your own or in printed out for in-class use. Extensive reading Extensive reading is used to obtain a general understanding of a subject and includes reading longer texts for pleasure, as well as business books. Use extensive reading skills to improve your general knowledge of business procedures. Do not worry if you understand each word. Examples of Extensive Reading The latest marketing strategy bookA novel you read before going to bedMagazine articles that interest you This lesson focusing on improving vocabulary through extensive reading can be of help putting these skills into practice. Intensive reading Intensive reading is used on shorter texts in order to extract specific information. It includes very close accurate reading for detail. Use intensive reading skills to grasp the details of a specific situation. In this case, it is important that you understand each word, number or fact. Examples of Intensive Reading A bookkeeping reportAn insurance claimA contract Improve Other English Skills You can use these reading skills in a number of ways to improve other areas of English learning such as pronunciation, grammar and increasing vocabulary. Reading Tips to Improve Your PronunciationReading Tips to Improve Your VocabularyReading Tips to Improve Your Conversational SkillsReading Tips to Improve Your GrammarReading Tips to Improve Your Listening Skills Next, review your understanding of these four basic reading skills. If you teach an English course, you can use these quick review texts in class, as well as this lesson plan focusing on identifying reading skills.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Beat Generation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Beat Generation - Essay Example When the play begins, the black man, Clay, is alone in a subway rail car. The stage directions imply that the beautiful white girl, Lula, has set her sights on him for reasons that should become clearer as the play progresses. She stares at him, and when he catches her eye, "begins very premeditatedly to smile" (4). He returns the smile "for a moment, without a trace of self-consciousness" (4). A little later he appears to regret this "instinctive" if "undesirable" (4) response and only becomes more confident when the train moves on and he hopes to be left to savor the pleasant memory of this "brief encounter" (4) by himself. Lula, however, seeks him out and takes a seat beside him, greeting him with a "Hello" (5). After accusing him of staring at her, of taking mental "potshots" of her "ass and legs" (7) she reveals in her first significant statement that she had boarded the train with the express intention of tracking him down: "I even got into this train, going some other way than mine. Walked down the aisle. . .searching you out" (7). This makes clear the fact that Lula had deliberately set her sights on Clay that day, for premeditated reasons of her own. In a sense, she seems to have made up her mind to hunt him down. Clay is pleasantly aroused by the attention of this beautiful woman although he cannot make her out. She appears to know quite a bit about him. Nevertheless she disavows all previous knowledge of him as individual, and very confidently declares that she knows his type "like the palm of my hand" (17). She appears to believe in giving fair warning, as the following words of another very significant statement will show: LULA. ... (She feints a seriousness to cover an actual somber tone.) I lie a lot. (Smiling) It helps me control the world. (9) This seems to be a very prescient bit of self-knowledge on her part. Control of her surroundings, including the people around her, seems to be an important consideration with her. Right from the moment she first trained the telescope of her sight on Clay, she has tried quite hard to control this stranger who in her words, "could be a handsome man" (12). When Lula ridicules Clay's westernized manner of dress, it is plain to the audience if not to Clay that she is an unabashed black-basher. In fact, she is almost openly abusive when she snaps at him for wearing a " three-button suit": "What right do you have to be wearing a three-button suit and striped tie Your grandfather was a slave, he didn't go to Harvard" (18). However, Clay does not reply in kind to this, he is content to merely set the record straight about his grandfather-"My grandfather was a night watchman" (18). He self-deprecatingly tells her that, in college, "I thought I was Baudelaire" (19). She gives a biting retort: "I bet you never thought you were a black nigger" (19). Clay "is stunned"(19) at this, but quite sportingly, "he quickly tries to appreciate the humor" (19) while Lula "almost shrieks" : "A black Baudelaire" (19). Lula's only intention all along was to manipulate and humiliate Clay within the confines of the subway car and, if possible, outside it, too. She first seduces his attention, and then, perhaps feeling that he was not sufficiently under her control, tries to excite him sexually. When he refuses to
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Hamza Yusuf Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Hamza Yusuf - Essay Example He schooled in California and the East Coast. Hamza spent the summer of his 12th year in Greece where he learnt the catechism within the advanced Christian studies. After returning from Greece, Hamza went to an experimental school in Marin County. He attended high school in the East Coast. In high school, Hamza started concentrating on God and religion. He came to the realisation that his Christianity was because his parents were Christians.1 In 1977, he was converted to a Christian. He believed that most people in the West failed in their realisation of oppression in Muslim states because of culture. He opted to live as a Muslim in the West than living in other Muslim countries. He believed that Muslims live well in the West. Thereafter, in 1996, he and his colleagues founded Zaytuna Institute. This prepared for the revival of traditional study methods and Islamic sciences. Yusuf took a stance against religious justifications for the terrorist attacks. Hamza has been an outspoken an d passionate critic of the foreign policy in America and an extremist for the responses towards the policies. He has managed to draw criticism for Muslim extremists in the East and West. His writings played a crucial part in his abandoning of extremism. Pre-9/11 Radical Before the bombing in September 11, Hamza had expressed some radical Islamist sentiments on various occasions. He praised the idea of Muslims being the threat to society. He argued that the threat was geared towards fighting against the inhumanity and injustice in the society. He argued that they were not to fight against the jihad. He depicted the American culture as spreading the diseases such as AIDS and cancer. In 1995, Hamza rallied against Judaism. They believed that God became biased in calling Jews in Mt. Sinai and that the rest of the people in the world are rubbish. He condemned the Jewish religion and regarded it as a racist one. He criticised Christians for associating themselves with Jews, yet they rejec ted God and crucified Him.2 In 1996, Hamza described US as a country with so little to be proud of, both in the present and past. He compared his reverence for Islam with the democracy in America. In his comparison, he said that he was an American citizen by birth and not by choice, and he resides in the country, not by choice but by the conviction of spreading Islamic messages in America. He argued that he became a Muslim since he never believed in false gods of the society. He believed that convention resolutions were meaningless Masonic exercises used by men to ensure that nothing changes. From Jamil al-Amin to George Bush In 2001, Hamza talked of fundraising for the legal defence of Jamil al-Amin in Irvine. He combined the praise for al-Amin with the harsh attacks on the United States. He portrayed US as a country plagued with anti-Muslim conspiracies. He praised the courage of al-Amin and condemned the acts of the government that aimed at silencing him. He also claimed of unjus t trial and life sentencing of Omar Abdel-Rahman, after he conspired to kill the former President of Egypt, Hosni Mubarak, as well as plotting to bomb the Holland and Lincoln tunnels. He criticised US for institutionalised racism. He hinted on a catastrophe hitting US, and true to his words, the 9/11 terrorist attack happened. His tone dramatically shifted where he denounced jihadists by warning Muslims not to emulate them. He condemned the act saying that it was pure murder and not holy war. Closet Radical or Newborn Moderate: Hamza’
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Stereotypes in the Media Essay Example for Free
Stereotypes in the Media Essay Stereotypes play an important role in todays society and particularly in Propaganda. According to the Websters Dictionary stereotyping is defined as a fixed conventional notion or conception of an individual or group of people, heldby a number of people. Stereotypes can be basic or complex generalizations which people apply to individuals or groups based on their appearance, behaviour and beliefs. Stereotypes are found everywhere. Though our world seems to be improving in many ways it seems almost impossible to liberate it from stereotypes. Stereotypes have existed since the beginning of time in our everyday life through religion, politics and the media. Humans have the tendency to use stereotypes in their humour, their descriptions of others, and even in their beliefs. One may believe it is possible to rid oneself of such habits; however if one looked at the regular promotions of propaganda, it would make this objective impossible. Stereotypes, however, arent always negative; hence, this essay will discuss the negative and positive aspects of stereotypes used by propaganda. Propaganda is a force which can influence and affect everyone; bringing changes in behavior, attitudes and ones beliefs. It is also known that media impacts its viewersmodifying their judgments based on the information which they receive. Substantial amounts of stereotypes broadcasted through propaganda have similar effects. This essay will illustrate how stereotypes are generally portrayed and their function in propaganda. Also it will further reveal how successful and well stereotypes can work when used in propaganda tactics. The media often uses and misrepresents stereotypes; however, they are significantly accepted by people among society. TV shows such as the Simpsons are packed with stereotypes within its broadcast of half an hour. The Simpsons contains a large number of audience that watch the show daily as it is broadcasted during prime time. Characters such as Apu are highly discriminated and stereotyped. On this show Apu is characterized as an Indian immigrant, who prays to Ganesh, and holds a highly noticeable and dissimilar accent. This is a stereotype which is observed by young children and is perceived as humorous; they apply this knowledge towards those they meet in real-life. Viewers of this show believe this information to be completely accurate for they hold little or no knowledge about that particular group. Though the stereotypes shown on TV are usually misrepresented, they are quite well accepted by the audience as the truth. The viewers who watch these shows on a regular basis do not recognize the biased content, which is being presented. Media grabs the interests of their audience through comedy, drama, and action which causes the viewers to disregard the immorality behind the content. Hence, the effectiveness of using such stereotypes contributes to the popularity of TVshows. On the contrary, the propagandas use of stereotypes is not necessarily always a negative phenomenon. Propagandas use of stereotypes can sometimes give one the motivation to learn. Bibiliography: MLA Citation: Stereotypes In the Media. 123HelpMe. com. 30 Aug 2010.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Mindless Machines :: Essays Papers
Mindless Machines The official foundations for "artificial intelligence" were set forth by A. M. Turing, in his 1950 paper "Computing Machinery and Intelligence" wherein he also coined the term and made predictions about the field. He claimed that by 1960, a computer would be able to formulate and prove complex mathematical theorems, write music and poetry, become world chess champion, and pass his test of artificial intelligences. In his test, a computer is required to carry on a compelling conversation with humans, fooling them into believing they are speaking with another human. All of his predictions require a computer to think and reason in the same manner as a human. Despite 50 years of effort, only the chess championship has come true. By refocusing artificial intelligence research to a more humanlike, cognitive model, the field will create machines that are truly intelligent, capable of meet Turing's goals. Currently, the only "intelligent" programs and computers are not really intellige nt at all, but rather they are clever applications of different algorithms lacking expandability and versatility. The human intellect has only been used in limited ways in the artificial intelligence field, however it is the ideal model upon which to base research. Concentrating research on a more cognitive model will allow the artificial intelligence (AI) field to create more intelligent entities and ultimately, once appropriate hardware exists, a true AI. Webster's Collegiate Dictionary defines intelligence as the capacity to apprehend facts and propositions, to reason about them, and the ability to understand them and their relations to each other. A. M. Turing had this definition in mind when he made his predictions and designed his test, commonly known as the Turing test. His test is, in principle, simple. A group of judges converse with different entities, some computers and some human, without knowledge of which is which. The job of the judges is to discern which entity is a computer. Judges may ask them any question they like, "Are you a computer?" excepted, and the participants may answer with anything they like, and in turn, ask questions of the judges. The concept of the test is not difficult, but creating an entity capable of passing the test with current technology is virtually impossible. Current AI entities are only different applications of algorithms already in heavy use and are not actually intelligent.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Edward Steichen Essay
Edward Steichen is one of the world’s proponents of photography. He is also best remembered for his great contributions during the world war period. At the early age of fifteen, he began as apprentice in litography under the American Fine Art Company . He attended photography lectures but continued painting after when he turned 21 in Paris. When he went back to New York, he exhibited his arts in Philadelphia Salon and three of which were purchased by Alfred Stieglitz, a photographer . He then joined with Stieglitz and others and they established the Photosecession Group. His works was made known more through Stieglitz. The following years, he experimented on photography and painting. He was also among those who first used the Lumiere Authochrome process . In the International Exhibition of Pictorial Photogrphy, thirty- one of his works were displayed. When the First World War erupted, he directed the division of photography of the American Expeditionary Forces and made aerial photography. It was also during that time where he shifted his idea to realistic photography. The following years, he was engaged in famous magazines such as Vanity Fair and Vogue, as a chief photographer . There he met famous celebrities like Charlie Chaplin as his models. In the Second World War, he again directed the US Naval Photographic Institute and published naval combats photography. It was then that he organized the Road to Victory and Power in the Pacific exhibitions in the Museum of Medern Art in New York . Furthermore, after the war, he became the Director of the museum and one of his popular exhibitions was the The Family of Man. He died in Connecticut at the age of 94. Bibliography Edward Steichen (2008) Spartacus Educational at 4 June 2008. Edward Steichen (2008) MSN Encarta at 4 June 2008.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Upsr, Pmr and Spm Should Be Abolish
In June 2010, the Minister of Education Muhyiddin announced the probability of UPSR, and PMR examinations being abolished. With the ever changing policies from the Ministry of Education every time the minister changes,(Kheru,2011) this news came as a no surprise. But the main issue still remains intact. It is not just the UPSR, and PMR, but should we just abolish the whole three main examinations, UPSR, PMR, and SPM?Even though examinations makes students focus in their studies, and can differentiate, whether they should be in the arts stream or in the science stream, these examinations only restricts creative thinking because it makes the students study only for the sake of passing the examinations and students do not study anything other than the topics that will appear in the examinations. The first argument that the anti-abolishment poses is that the students can focus in their studies with the UPSR, PMR and SPM examinations. However, students can still focus on their studies wit h the normal semester tests and yearly examinations.The normal examinations will be more effective because it will keep the students on their toes because they do not only have one test to pass but a monthly/ yearly tests/ examinations. It will actually make the students take examinations more seriously because the examinations would be treated as a long- term assessment. (Murali, 2012) For example, every month we have a simple test just to check the progress of the students, then before the first semester break and the year-end break, conduct an examination. It is just like our current system, just without the UPSR, PMR and SPM.The next argument stated by the anti-abolishment is that the examination is the only way the school can differentiate the students that will go to science stream or arts stream (Fared, 2010). But, with the long-term assessment, the teachers would know what suits them most through the results of the exam. The students talents will show in the results, whether they are more suited for science stream or art stream. The teachers will play an important role in the selection of students because it is them that have the most contact with the students.They should be able to tell whether the students are more suitable in science or arts. For example, if a student’s results shows that she excels at math and science, then he/she is suited more in the science stream but if a student shows continuous problems in science and mathematics, then he/she is probably not suited for the science stream. Thirdly, the anti-abolishment stated that the teachers will start being lazy if the three main exams are abolished. (Fared, 2010). With the long-term assessment, the teachers’ job will be more than enough.The teachers would need to pay attention to the students’ growth more closely because the students’ potential will be gauge only by the teachers so that to determine whether their abilities belong in the science or arts stream. T he tests and year examinations will make sure the teachers teach the students properly by completing the syllabus on time. The teachers also have to conduct other activities to fully gauge out the students potential and further develop their creativity and self-confidence with activities which makes them to be more outgoing and open-minded.Personally I think that the three examinations (UPSR, PMR and SPM) will result in the students to lack personality and creativity, and will not be qualified enough to fulfil future careers. The exam-oriented education system distorts motivation and learning by overemphasising the importance of scores as outcomes and measures of students' abilities. (Murali, 2012) This statement could not be more true, as there are many students which have excellent scores but their soft skills, like public speaking and presenting their own ideas and arguments, are largely lacking.Moreover, students lack the confidence to correct the teachers if the teachers are wr ong. According to Murali, in the article ‘GOOD scores, no life skills, â€Å"In my classes, students do not dare to talk with me because of the lack of confidence and intellect to justify arguments. †They are used to having blinding faith in authority, which are the teachers and the textbooks. They would not even think that the teachers or the textbooks could be wrong.Resulting in them being too dependent on the teachers and are not willing to do more than what they had done in class. To sum it up, despite the fact that examinations makes students focus in their studies, and can differentiate, whether they should be in the arts stream or in the science stream, we should keep in mind that these examinations only hampers creative thinking because it makes the students study only for the sake of making the grade the examinations and students do not study anything other than the topics that will appear in the examinations.We should take the education system of countries li ke US, Australia and the European Union as a reference because their system provides the students the opportunities to improve many types of their intelligence. The students are encourage to be creative, free-thinking, more tolerant and open-minded person. ( Kheru, 2011) Countries like China, Japan and Korea have already started to make a changes in their education system, albeit slowly. So, when are we going to start? Or are we still going to stick with the system that was created when we were still colonised by the British?
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Preparation of 2-Acetylcyclohexanone Essays
Preparation of 2-Acetylcyclohexanone Essays Preparation of 2-Acetylcyclohexanone Paper Preparation of 2-Acetylcyclohexanone Paper Introduction3 Results4 Discussion6 Conclusion7 Experimental7 References8 Preparation of 2-Acetylcyclohexanone Introduction When hydrogens are present on the ? -carbon of ketones (like the reaction used in this experiment), carbonyl compounds and aldehydes, they turn the compound slightly acidic1. These functional groups are removed by using a basic solution as shown in (i) below1. The product formed with water is stable only due to resonance, but does not form a very stable equilibrium. Enamine reactions are used to avoid many problems usually associated with alkylating or acylating carbonyl compounds when they are reacted with aqueous sodium hydroxide1 as shown in reactions (ii) and (iv)1. The main problem being that the reaction results in a great number of crucial secondary side reactions, such as those in equations (iii), (iv) and (vi), and this in turn results in the main product formed in (i) being only available in small amounts because of the previously mentioned unstable equilibrium, while nucleophile OH- in equation (iii) is much higher1. When the OH- reacts with alkyl halide (iii) or acyl halide (iv), the conjugate base will tend to react with the unreacted carbonyl compound by means of an aldol condensation reaction as shown in equation (vi)1. Results Preparation of the enamine PyrrolidineCyclohexanone Molecular formula: C4H9NMolecular formula: C6H10O Volume: 4. 0 ml+. Volume: 5. 0 ml Density: 0. 87 g cm-3Density: 0. 95 g cm-3 Boiling point: 87? CBoiling point: 156? C Masses were worked out using densities: Mass cyclohexanone = 0. 947g/ml x 5ml = 4. 739g Therefore moles = mass/molar mass = 4. 739g/98. 15g mol-1 = 0. 483 moles Mass pyrrolidine = 0. 866g/mol x 4. 0 ml = 3. 464g Therefore moles = mass/molar mass = 3. 464 / 71. 11g mol-1 Addition of the acetic anhydride EnamineAcetic Anhydride Molecular formula: C10H9N Molecular formula: C4H6O3 ¬ (2) Volume: 4. 5 ml Density: 1. 08 g cm-3 (2) Molecular Weight: 102. 1 g/mol Boiling point: 139. 8? C(2) Moles : 0. 04760 moles Acetic anhydride is the limiting reagent The s toichiometric ratio of acetic anhydride to 2 acetylcyclohexanone is 1:1 Preparation of 2-Acetylcyclohexanone 1-pyrrolidino-1-cyclohexene2-Acetylcyclohexanone Molecular Weight: 151. 25 g mol-1 Molecular Weight: 140. 18 g mol ¬-1 Mass: 0. 14g Moles: 0. 04760 moles The stoichiometric ratio of acetic anhydride to 2 acetylcyclohexanone is 1:1, therefore there is 0. 04760 moles of 2-acetylcyclohexanone. Theoretical mass of 2-acetylcyclohexanone = 0. 04760mol x 140. 18g/mol = 6. 673g Percentage yield = Actual yield/ Theoretical yield x 100 = 0. 14g/6. 673g x 100 = 2. 10% Discussion As previously mentioned, aldehydes and ketones will tend to react with primary amines in order to form an imine, as can be seen in step 2 below. Enamines are very easily alkylated due to them being very nucleophillic1. The first step entails the reaction of pyrrolidine and cyclohexanone with p-Toluenesulfonic acid to form a toluene solution of the enamine as shown below. Step 1: Reaction of pyrrolidine and cyclohexanone with p-Toluenesulfonic acid to form a toluene solution of the enamine The second step involves the reaction of the toluene solution of the enamine with acetic anhydride to form 1-pyrrolidino-1-cyclohexene, which is the intermediate of the reaction. This intermediate is not seen as it cannot be isolated due to it being very unstable. Step 2: Reaction of the enamine with the acetic anhydride to form 1-pyrrolidinocyclohexene (the intermediate) The third and final step is the reaction of the intermediate(1-pyrrolidino-1-cyclohexene) with water in order to form final product 2-acetylcyclohexanone. Step 3: 1-pyrrolidino-1-cyclohexene (the intermediate) reacts with water in order to form 2-acetylcyclohexanone. The product was isolated by means of using a separator funnel. The solution was cooled till it was room temperature and transferred to a seperatory funnel. 10 ml water was also added to the funnel and the contents were mixed thoroughly by inverting the funnel several times and releasing the gas build-up pressure by releasing the valve on the stopcock. The aqueous layer was the bottom layer due to it being higher in density than the organic layer and was disposed of in a beaker. Similarly, the organic layer was rinsed with three portions of hydrochloric acid (3M) and finally rinsed again with water (10 ml). The organic layer was transferred to a clean 250 ml beaker and dried over MgSO4 – MgSO4 was added until it stopped clumping together at the bottom of the beaker in solution. The MgSO4 drying agent was then filtered off by vacuum suction. The melting point range obtained in the experiment was 110-119? C, which is not the same as the theoretical boiling point of 138? C. This could be due to impurities present in the sample, like water, which would lower the boiling point. The % yield was particularly low and could be attributed to insufficient reflux of the enamine solution that was supposed to have een refluxed for a minimum of half an hour, but due to time constraints, was only refluxed for 20 minutes. Another way to make 2-acetylcyclohexanone is by using a suspension of tellurium chloride and chloroform4 Conclusion There are three steps in the mechanism to forming 2-acetylcyclohexanone. These are reacting pyrrolidine and cyclohexanone with p-Toluenesulfonic acid to form a tol uene solution of the enamine, reaction of the enamine with the acetic anhydride to form 1-pyrrolidinocyclohexene, and reacting 1-pyrrolidino-1-cyclohexene (the intermediate) with water in order to form 2-acetylcyclohexanone. The melting point range obtained experimentally was 110-119? C and is very different from the theoretical melting point range due to errors that have occurred during the procedure of the practical and are explained in the discussion above. The particularly low % yield of 2. 10% is due to insufficient reflux time. Experimental Preparation of the toluene solution of the enamine A 100ml round bottomed flask was pre-weighed, after which cyclohexanone (5. 0ml), pyrrolidine (4. 0ml), toluene-4-sulfonic acid (0. 1g) and 40 ml toluene were added to it. boiling chips were also added to the reagent mixture so as to prevent loss of product due to splashing and boiling of the product. The Dean and Stark apparatus was set up individually by each student. The 100 ml round bottomed flask with reagent mixture was then fit to the Dean and Stark apparatus with a reflux condenser fit to the top of the apparatus. The reflux condenser was fit with a calcium chloride drying tube in order to prevent atmosp heric moisture from reacting with the contents of the round bottomed flask, and also to serve as a means to relieve pressure formed during the reaction. A heating mantle was used to heat the round bottomed flask till a vigorous reflux of the toluene, with vapour rising up the condenser was observable. It was observed that the water that formed as a result of the reaction of the toluene reflux collected in the trap portion of the Dean and Stark trap apparatus. Once the solution was boiling, reflux was continued for an hour. During this waiting period, a solution of acetic anhydride (4. 5 ml) in toluene (10 ml) was prepared. Once reflux was complete after one hour, the solution was cooled till it could be handled comfortably and the Dean and Stark apparatus was removed. While waiting for the flask to cool, the distillation setup was prepared by re-positioning the condenser with both a receiver and receiver flask. The now cooled round bottomed flask was fit with a thermometer attached by means of a still head and fit to the distillation setup. The flask was once again heating using a heating mantle to distil pyrrolidine and water that was still present. Distillation was continued until the temperature reached 108-110? C. Thereafter, the round bottomed flask was allowed to cool down to room temperature after removing it from the distillation setup and removing the still head with thermometer. Preparation of the 2-Acetylcyclohexanone The acetic anhydride solution that had been previously prepared was then added to the round bottom flask containing the enamine solution while stirring and was further stirred for 15 minutes. Water (5 ml) and 3 boiling chips was then added to the flask and fit with a reflux condenser. This new reagent mixture containing intermediate product enamine was heated under reflux for a full 30 minutes once the solution came to a boil. This was the stopping point for day 1 of the experiment. The round bottomed flask was labelled and stoppered for continuation of the experiment on the following week. On day 2 of the experiment, the content of the round bottomed flask was transferred to a separating funnel. Water (10 ml) was used to rinse the round bottomed flask and this rinsing was added to the separating funnel. The content of the funnel was mixed well and the gas was released by opening the stopcock. The aqueous layer was the lower layer and was separated from the organic layer, which remained in the funnel. Similarly, the organic layer was rinsed with three portions of hydrochloric acid (3M) and finally rinsed again with water (10 ml). The organic layer was transferred to a clean 250 ml beaker and dried over MgSO4 – MgSO4 was added until it stopped clumping together at the bottom of the beaker in solution. The MgSO4 drying agent was then filtered off by vacuum suction. The vacuum distillation setup was then prepared and the filtered solution was transferred to this setup in order to distil off the toluene at its boiling point of 110? C at 760 mmHg pressure. The remaining residue was put in a very small round bottomed flask. This flask was attached to a short path condenser with 3 anti-bumping granules added to the flask. 3 very small receiver flasks were preweighed before the product was flame distilled. Flame distillation took place under reduced pressure by means of using the bench vacuum. different fractions of product during the distillation were collected in 3 different receiver flasks. The temperature range that each of the fractions were collected at were recorded. The added masses of the product collected in all three flasks were used. References 1. courses. chem. psu. edu/chem36/Chem36H/IndivExpt1/435%20Acetylcyclohexanone. pdf – Accessed 11/08/08 2. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Acetic_anhydride – Accessed 11/08/08 3. P. Y Bruice, Organic Chemistry, 4th Edition, Pearson Education Inc. , 2004, USA pgs 747-753 4. freepatentsonline. com/4355097. html
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Boil Water at Room Temperature
Boil Water at Room Temperature You can boil water at room temperature without heating it. This is because boiling is about pressure, not just temperature. Heres an easy way to see this for yourself. Simple Materials watersyringe You can get a syringe at any pharmacy or lab. You dont need the needle, so its safe project, even for kids. How to Boil Water Without Heating It Use the plunger to pull up a bit of water into the syringe. Dont fill it you need airspace in order for this to work. You just need enough water that you can observe it.Next, you need to seal the bottom of the syringe so that it wont be able to suck up more air or water. You can put your fingertip over the opening, seal it with a cap (if one came with the syringe), or press a piece of plastic against the hole.Now youll boil the water. All you need to do is pull back as quickly as you can on the syringe plunger. It may take a couple of tries to perfect the technique, so you can keep the syringe still enough to watch the water. See it boil? How It Works The boiling point of water or any other liquid depends on vapor pressure. As you lower the pressure, the boiling point of the water drops. You can see this if you compare the boiling point of water at sea level with the boiling point of water on a mountain. The water on the mountain boils at a lower temperature, which is why you see high-altitude instructions on baking recipes! When you pull back on the plunger, you increase the amount of volume inside the syringe. However, the contents of the syringe cant change because you have sealed it. The air inside the tube acts as gases do and the molecules spread out to fill the whole space. The atmospheric pressure inside the syringe drops, creating a partial vacuum. The vapor pressure of the water becomes high enough compared to the atmospheric pressure that the water molecules can easily pass from the liquid phase into the vapor phase. This is boiling. Compare it with the normal boiling point of water. Pretty cool. Any time you lower the pressure around a liquid, you lower its boiling point. If you increase the pressure, you raise the boiling point. The relationship is not linear, so you would need to consult a phase diagram to predict how great the effect of a pressure change would be.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Protesting inequality - Harassment and protest in India Essay
Protesting inequality - Harassment and protest in India - Essay Example In India, women are married young, become young mothers at a young age that then burdens them with stringent financial and domestic responsibilities. A great number of women in India are malnourished as traditionally they should be the last to eat and last to receive medical attention. In relation to education 76%, men in India are educated while only 54% of women are educated; they receive little or no schooling and suffer from unfair and biased divorce and inheritance laws. To generate change the Indian people use the anti-reservation protests, in these protests, they push for integration of women into all the sectors mostly education, and also push for a revision of the existing policies. Other tactic people use to improve the conditions for women is the use of social media. In these, the people understand that the media possesses immense power in regard to influencing masses. In these, they ensure that the media covers all the women issues in India bringing them open to the publi c. In India, Television is one of the pervasive and powerful media that women use to ensure that their message is communicated to the public. Faithful patriots: religion and nationalism Islam is the official religion in Pakistan; the country has the second largest Muslim population after Indonesia. The 2007 census found that 96% of Pakistanis total population was Muslim with 20% being Shia and 76% Sunni. Historically, Islam arrived in Pakistan back in 711CE, after Umayyad dynasty sent a Muslim Arab army against the ruler of Sindh.
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